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유엔 안보리 우크라이나 관련 고위급 공식회의 발언문(9.24.)


Remarks by H.E. Cho Tae-yul

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea

Security Council High-level Meeting 

on Maintenance of International Peace and Security


New York, September 24, 2024

(As delivered)

Mr. President,

I wish to thank you Dr. Robert Golob(걸럽), Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, for convening this meeting. I also extend my appreciation to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for his insightful briefing. And I also welcome President Zelenskyy to this important meeting.

Two and a half years have passed since the Russian Federation launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine – a conflict that continues to this day to challenge the values and norms that underpin our collective global security. The Republic of Korea remains steadfast in supporting the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Despite repeated calls from Security Council Members for an immediate end to the war, Russia continues its brutal attacks, claiming tens of thousands of civilian lives and destroying the livelihood of millions of innocent citizens. Even more worrying is the recent escalation along the battle fronts, which has led to a significant increase in civilian casualties and the destruction of critical infrastructure.

Our hearts are heavy as we witness the humanitarian tragedy unfolding in Ukraine. As a nation all too familiar with the anguish of conflict, the Republic of Korea profoundly empathizes with the struggles endured by the Ukrainian people. This shared understanding strengthens our resolve to end this war and restore peace in Ukraine.

The Ukraine Peace and Solidarity Initiative, launched by President Yoon Suk Yeol on the occasion of his visit to Kyiv in July 2023, is a powerful testament to our solidarity with Ukraine. Under this initiative, the Republic of Korea committed 200 million dollars in humanitarian assistance to Ukraine this year. Starting from next year, we will provide 2 billion dollars to be spread out for five years to support Ukraine’s reconstruction.

We are also collaborating with international partners through the ‘Ukraine Donor Platform’ in support of reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.

Mr. President,

We express grave concern over the military cooperation between the Russian Federation and North Korea. The number and targeted areas of Russia’s attacks using North Korean ballistic missiles are increasing in both frequency and intensity, which results in endangering civilians and prolonging this brutal war. This constitutes an unequivocal violation of multiple UN Security Council resolutions.

The deepening military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, which was highlighted by the signing of the so-called “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty” not only threatens the peace and security on the Korean Peninsula, but also of Europe.

It is deplorable that Russia, a permanent Security Council member and one of the founding states for the non-proliferation regime, violates Security Council resolutions and engages in illegal arms trade with North Korea. Any cooperation that directly or indirectly aids North Korea’s military capability is a blatant violation of the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and undermines non-proliferation regime.

We strongly urge North Korea to comply with the relevant Security Council resolutions and to respond to our proposals to engage in dialogue.

Mr. President,

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has aggravated geopolitical tensions worldwide, presenting us with challenges of unprecedented scale.

In order to fulfill its fundamental duty of maintaining international peace and security, the Security Council must devise effective strategies to navigate the complexities, and overcome its inherent constraints.

As a non-permanent member of the Security Council, the Republic of Korea reaffirms its unwavering support for and active participation in the Council’s work to this end with a renewed sense of urgency. I thank you. /END/

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